My Stuff

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My Stuff Icons.png

My Stuff is the player's inventory system which allows them to see which items, and units they have.


My Stuff is a window that can be accessed when clicking the box button in the bottom toolbar when in the players' main planet or colonies. It is separated through 4 different tabs that serves different purposes: inventory, collections, crafting and skins.

When a new item is obtained, it will make an notification bubble to appear at the top-right corner of the My Stuff button and in it's respective tab; the new item itself will appear with a red outline.


The Inventory is a section that allows the player to view which items, building and units they have, as well as allow them to place the buildings or use the units saved there. When obtained, all items will automatically go to this section (except for collection / crafting pieces). Units can be saved in the inventory when completing missions or collections.

List of inventory items
Item Description Usage Obtaining method(s) Cooldown Cost
Friendship Stone A gratitude symbol that apprentices gift their mentors once graduated.(Currently unobtainable) Hire another worker. Received as a gift by graduated Academy apprentices.[1] - -
Helmet Workers need it, 'cause let's face it: we Starlings tend to trip over. Collect from Compact Houses. 35 hours Galaxy Chips 20
Tool case You'd be amazed at the amount of tools that Workers store here! Help friends. 23 hours Galaxy Chips 30
Mallet All Worker tasks need Mallet. Just watch out when they use it! Destroy a Star Base.
15.15% Galaxy Chips 40
Star Battery Its powerful energy comes directly from the mana tree's sap. Upgrading a Star Base. Help or ask friends for it. 11 hours Galaxy Chips 20
Mana Light No energy is more efficient to run a proper Star Base. Is it really Starling made? Destroy a level 4 or higher Star Base. 25.77% Galaxy Chips 80
Mystery Cube Open it to discover the gift inside! Send one to your friends, they'll love it! Get free items.[2] Giftable. - -
Sphere The source of power of the sphere is a true mystery but it is certainly strong in our turrets. Upgrading Turrets.[3] Destroy Mortars level 2 or higher. - -
Spying Capsule Each capsule retrieves information from buildings in its influence area plus it detects mines. Mouse over those buildings to see their information. Viewing other players' buildings information when spying. 2 are given daily, and they can be bought in the shop as well. - -
Advanced Spying Capsule Retrieves more information from buildings than Spying Capsules and has a larger influence radius. Viewing other players' buildings information when spying. Buyable in the Embassy - -
Special mercenary.png The members of this mercenary squad follow their captain's hunger for destroying defenses! Offensive units. Buying them in the shop. - Galaxy Chips 20
Delta Key This key opens the cages that imprison our Starling friends in Firebit's planet! Free Starlings. Received on "Save The Starlings 7/10" mission. After destroying Sparragon's Star Base. - -
Worker The strongest Starling, he works around the clock! Adds the capacity to do one more task at the same time. Trade in the Worker collection. It can also be a gift by the Galaxy Life development team. - -
Bulldozer Recycles all obstacles on the current planet. Recycles all obstacles at once. Buyable in the Embassy - See Embassy
Lightning Bullet It makes your turrets stronger by increasing their damage during some time! Temporarily power up your turret's damage output by +60%. Buy it in the Defenses Premium Shop or from or obtain it from the Presents. 6 hours, cannot be stacked Galaxy Chips 7
Rock Skin It makes your turrets stronger by decreasing their received damage during some time! Temporarily decreases your turret's damage taken by -30%. Buyable in the Embassy 6 hours, cannot be stacked See Embassy
Laser Aim It makes your turrets stronger by increasing their range during some time! Temporarily increases your turret's range by +40%. Buyable in the Embassy 6 hours, cannot be stacked See Embassy
  1. Apprentices are graduated after obtaining level 15 within two weeks of the players' invitation. The Academy and this item are Flash Version exclusives.
  2. Mystery Cubes can contain coins, minerals, Zeppelins, Colossus and Starlinators. See Mystery Cubes.
  3. Spheres are required to upgrade Sniper Towers and Cannon Blasts to level 11, Missile Launchers and Laser Towers to level 6, and Mortars to level 4.


You can find your collections in the My Stuff Box located under the Shop. They are in the "Collections" Tab. There are exactly 5 collections and every one of them has 5 items that need to be found to complete them. From Collections, you can get Blue Traps, Fly Traps, Starlinator, Colossus, Zeppelin and the two new recently added items: Cristal Fluid and Fission Device, that are needed to craft The Skull Nuke battle support weapon.

  • Since update 0.76.12 there is also a new attack unit called Green Beret which is available only by completing his collection.

Collection items can be purchased with Chips once the player reaches level 10.

Collections list

Collections list
Green Beret Green Beret Collection Green Beret

I'm Green Beret. I lead the special operations squad in your army. We'll attack everything that gets in our way!

Special operations force... Unstoppable!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift war badge.png
Green Beret Badge Destroy a Star Base for a chance to get it. Badge for your Green beret. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift war cane.png
Squad Cane Help your friends and you might get one! They need it to guide squads... maybe in a future? Galaxy Chips 5
Gift war hat.png
Beret Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it. The most distinctive item of the Green Beret. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift war pack.png
Green Beret Pack Destroy a Laboratory for a chance to get it. High-Tech pack with the weapon of the Green beret. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift war shoulder pad.png
Shoulder Pad Ask your friends for it! The uniform will be complete with this piece! Galaxy Chips 5
Crystal Fluid Crystal Fluid Collection Crystal Fluid

Starlings use this powerful and dangerous liquid in their most lethal weapons!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift cristal p.png
Viotalite Recycle Viotal crystals on a purple planet for a chance to get one. This juicy crystal is very powerful and dangerous! Some believe Firebit was corrupted by its mysterious power. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift cristal y.png
Lowcrisite Recycle Yellowcris crystals on a yellow planet for a chance to get one. This crystal is solidified acid. It sure sounds like good raw material for a Nuke! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift cristal g.png
Radquidite Recycle Radquid crystals on a green planet for a chance to get one. This crystal contains radioactive power! Galaxy Chips 5
Liquefier Help your friends and you might find one! No element is hard enough for this liquefier. So what do you want in your next smoothie? Galaxy Chips 25
Gift engine.png
Neutron Reactor Help your friends and you might find one! The latest Starling technology is now available for you! Let's start experimenting! Galaxy Chips 15
Fission Device Fission Device Collection Fission Device

This device is essential in creating nuclear power! Bring here those particles!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift cristal w.png
Vectalite Recycle Vectal crystals on a white planet for a chance to get one. The high density of this crystal is ideal for manufacturing strong pieces of technology. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift cristal r.png
Rionite Recycle Rioney crystals on a red planet for a chance to get one. Coming from high-temperature planets only, this crystal manages to keep amazing amounts of heat within. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift cristal b.png
Bloonite Recycle Blueloon crystals on a blue planet for a chance to get one. When handled right, this blue star crystal is a key element in accelerating particles. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift aceleration ring.png
Acceleration Ring Destroy Warp Gates, for a chance to get it! Keep your particles away from this baby, unless you want them at top speed! Galaxy Chips 15
Gift mass compressor.png
Mass Compressor Destroy Mortars, for a chance to get it! Its solid Vectalite walls ensure maximum compression. Careful with the fingers! Galaxy Chips 35
Blue Trap Blue Trap Collection Blue Trap

This explosive device is self-destructed on burst.

Trade it and it will take a lot of ground units with it.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift trap housing.png
Trap Housing You might find some in your Compact Houses This casing protects the weapons of mass destruction that lies within it. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift trap trigger.png
Trap Trigger You might find it in your Mines Activate it and there's no turning back, the enemies won't be able to escape. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift trap structure.png
Trap Structure Recycle a tree from the Longolemenus Family and you might get it. Complex and sophisticated, it can easily explode into a thousand pieces. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift trap explosives.png
Trap Explosives Destroy Cannon Blasts, for a chance to get it! DANGER! if your hands start shaking, you're one dead starling! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift sensor.png
Sensor Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it. Intelligent motion sensor, it is activated as soon as your enemies get too close Galaxy Chips 5
Fly Trap Fly Trap Collection Fly Trap

Chubi is a genius! He has managed to make this destroyer device fly.

Trade it to make tremble the tanks!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift flytrap housing.png
Fly Trap Housing You might find it in your Compact Houses, level 2 or higher. As light as a feather, it can almost fly... Wait a moment! It actually can! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift flytrap propellant.png
Fly Trap Propellant You might find one in Mines, level 2 or higher. It launches from the ground and rises to the level of the tanks around it. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift flytrap cannons.png
Fly Trap Cannons Recycle a tree from the Spirocles family and you get one! Little but feisty! These explosives sweep the enemy away like a hurricane. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift flytrap explosives.png
Fly Trap Explosives Destroy a Sniper Tower for a chance to get it. Clumsy starlings mustn't touch these, as they could unleash total chaos! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift sensor.png
Sensor Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it. Intelligent motion sensor, it is activated as soon as your enemies get too close. Galaxy Chips 5
Starlinator Starlinator Collection Starlinator

We are Starlinators, the best trained Starlings you'll ever see. You have to be very careful, we might harm you if you get too close!

How do we operate with both hands? Trade in the collection to find out!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift blaster gun.png
Blaster Gun You might find some in your Compact Houses. This powerful weapon destroys everything in its path. Imagine what a couple of these could do! Galaxy Chips 2
Gift helmet housing.png
Helmet Housing Help your friends and you might find one! Although there is not much brain to cover, this makes it super resistant. Galaxy Chips 2
Gift eyepart.png
Eye Part Recycle a tree from the Mielindrocus family and you might find it! This viewfinder improves accuracy on targets and also covers bruised eyes. Galaxy Chips 2
Gift booster.png
Booster Destroy Banks, for a chance to get it! If you want a power boost for your units, this is the magic formula! Galaxy Chips 2
Gift ammunition.png
Ammunition Destroy Mines for a chance to get it. Bullets, bullets and more bullets to destroy the enemy. Sweet! Galaxy Chips 2
Colossus Colossus Collection Colossus

We're not wearing a costume! This is a real tank-shaped armor that allows us to attack all our enemies' buildings! Try it out!

Cannon, missile launcher, we have everything required to cause destruction! You will not regret trading in this collection.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift tank cannon.png
Tank Cannon You might find it in your Mines. You could launch Starlings with this! Or maybe you prefer to use ammunition? Galaxy Chips 3
Gift tank housing.png
Tank Housing Help your friends and you might find one! Dress up your Starlings with this armour and they will become almost invincible. Galaxy Chips 3
Gift missile launcher.png
Missile Launcher Recycle a tree from the Trenamora family fo a chance to get it. Always reach your targets with one of these. Allows for up to four missiles inside! Galaxy Chips 3
Gift missile.png
Missile Destroy Silos, for a chance to get it! Finds a target and chases it until it blows sky-high. Galaxy Chips 3
Gift ammunition.png
Ammunition Destroy Mines for a chance to get it. Bullets, bullets and more bullets to destroy the enemy. Sweet! Galaxy Chips 2
Zeppelin Zeppelin Collection Zeppelin

Arr! We be pirates of the stars!\nWe drive this mighty ship to throw things at our enemies, and we always win!

The strongest unit so far! Trade in items to see our power.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift propeller.png
Propellet You might find it in your houses, level 2 or higher. Air control! Take to the skies at your leisure with this. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift zeppelin housing.png
Zeppelin Housing Help your friends and you might find one! Light and strong, with enough room for two Starlings! While one drives, the other destroys. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift aileron.png
Aileron Recycle a Crater and you might get one! To port or starboard, navigate easily through the sky with this! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift bombs.png
Bomb Destroy Laser Tower, for a chance to get it! 3...2...1...Countdown starts...Be quick or it may explode in your face! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift pirate hat.png
Pirate Hat Destroy a Star Base for a chance to get it. Sparragon envies this amazing hat! Make him jealous. Galaxy Chips 5

Discontinued collections

These collections are no longer obtainable in the game and are mentioned here for archiving purposes.

Discontinued collections
The Focus God Idol Collection The Focus God

Starlings worship him, 'cause they need to focus for battles.

Get his statue by trading the Idol collection.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Golden idol.png
Golden Idol You might find some in your Compact Houses. Gold has a curious effect on Starlings' minds. This idol will help them focus at work! Galaxy Chips 5
Silver idol.png
Silver Idol Recycle a crater and you might get one! The Silver Idol is ideal for our troops to find their way back home! Galaxy Chips 5
Stone idol.png
Stone Idol Recycle a Frog Rock for a chance to get it. This Stone Idol helps them train better. It gives them extra strength! Galaxy Chips 5
Wooden idol.png
Wooden Idol Recycle a tree from the Spirocles family and you might get one! The wooden idol is the one that gives us energy to play for hours!! Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral idol.png
Mineral Idol You might find it in your Mines. This one helps them find minerals! At least that's what Starlings believe. Galaxy Chips 5
The Ancestor Ancestor Collection The Ancestor

Some Starlings believe they have evolved from this lovely 'thing'.

Get a live one by trading in the Ancestor collection.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Skull Recycle a tree from the Longolemonus family and you might get it. The Starlings' ancestors had really large skulls! Too large for their intelligence. Galaxy Chips 5
Bones Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it. You'll need these bones to study the Starlings' DNA. It's surprising! Galaxy Chips 5
Egg Help your friends and you might find one! Starling eggs? Impossible! Starlings are born from the mighty mana tree! Galaxy Chips 5
Incubator You might find it in your Houses, level 2 or higher. For our little ones... it helps them grow! No worries, they'll still be cute! Galaxy Chips 5
Mosquito You might find one in Mines, level 2 or higher. Interesting! This kind of mosquito existed some centuries ago. Try collecting one! Galaxy Chips 5
Skull Temple Skull Collection Skull Temple

The Starlings always celebrate their victories!

Trade this temple and your Starlings will dance on their enemies bones.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Skull Recycle a tree from the Longolemonus family and you might get it. The Starlings' ancestors had really large skulls! Too large for their intelligence. Galaxy Chips 5
Golden skull.png
Golden Skull Destroy Houses level 2 or higher, and you might get one! Display this Golden Starling Skull in a safe spot! It's worth millions! Galaxy Chips 5
Stone skull.png
Stone Skull Recycle a tree from the Trenamora family for a chance to get it. A true Starling relic! They were made by ancient Starlings to drive evil spirits away. Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral skull.png
Mineral Skull Destroy Mines level 3 or higher, for a chance to get it. This powerful skull can collect energy from all Starlings that dare touch it! Galaxy Chips 5
Silver skull.png
Silver Skull Destroy Cannon Blasts, for a chance to get it! Helps keep enemies away in style! They'll be terrified to come near it. Galaxy Chips 5
Gold Golden Collection Gold

You can find a good use for some extra coins. Right? I thought so!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Golden skull.png
Golden Skull Destroy Houses level 2 or higher, and you might get one! Display this Golden Starling Skull in a safe spot! It's worth millions! Galaxy Chips 5
Golden idol.png
Golden idol You might find some in your Compact Houses. Gold has a curious effect on Starlings' minds. This idol will help them focus at work! Galaxy Chips 5
Golden safety pin.png
Golden safety pin Help your friends for a chance to find one. So valuable in a Starling colony! They are constantly losing stuff! Galaxy Chips 5
Golden ingot.png
Golden ingot You might find it inside Houses, level 3 or higher. Everyone likes Gold! Right? So let's go and find us some! Galaxy Chips 5
Golden ring.png
Ring Recycle a tree from the Mielindrocus family and you might find it! Starlings love to play! One of their favorites games is hiding rings in the forest! Galaxy Chips 5
Minerals Mineral Collection Minerals

Add more bling to your mineral storage! Your colony will celebrate in joy!

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Mineral skull.png
Mineral Skull Destroy Mines level 3 or higher, for a chance to get it. This powerful skull can collect energy from all Starlings that dare touch it! Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral idol.png
Mineral idol You might find it in your Mines. This one helps them find minerals! At least that's what Starlings believe. Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral eye.png
Mineral eye Destroy Mines level 2 or higher, for a chance to get it. This mysterious object has many hidden powers. So say the legends. Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral tooth.png
Mineral tooth You might find it in your Mines, level 2 or higher. Legend speaks of horrific creatures with mineral jaws living inside mines. Galaxy Chips 5
Mineral spearhead.png
Spearhead Help your friends and you might find one! This weapon is made from a mineral that can even cut through diamonds! Galaxy Chips 5
Deco christmastree ready.png Xmas Tree Collection Deco christmastree ready.png

The Starlings also love to celebrate Xmas.

Trade the Xmas Tree collection and make your Starlings happy.

Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Gift seed2.png
Seed Help your friends and you might find one! Incredible vegetation is growing around the galaxy. With a seed, the Starlings can create new species. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift branch 1.png
Branches Recycle a Lasertruncata, Striprunus, Lantheriga or Sweetunea and find it! When the winter comes these branches hides under the local vegetation. Galaxy Chips 5
Gift toymine.png
Mineball You might find it in your Mines, level 2 or higher. The Starlings love to play with round and shiny little toys. These balls are the favorite ones! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift treestar.png
Golden Star You might find it in your Houses, level 2 or higher. Gold and Stars, perfect mix! The Starlings will go crazy! Galaxy Chips 5
Gift present.png
Present Help your friends and you might find one! The curious Starlings are really excited about the new mystery surprises, who wouldn't? Galaxy Chips 5
Christmas tree Xmas Tree 2023 Collection Christmas tree
Item Name How to obtain Description Cost
Pine Pine Recycle a Euforia Sylvestris tree to get this item! When the winter comes Starlings love to collect these and then use them to decorate their houses and mines! Galaxy Chips 5
Pink present Pink Present Get this present by helping a starling trapped in ice! The Starlings are excited to see what's in this present they can't wait to find out. Galaxy Chips 5
Christmas balls Christmas Balls You might find it in your Mines, level 2 or higher. These christmas balls have an oddly familiar look to them some of the starlings were scared when they found them. Galaxy Chips 5
Star Star You might find it in your Houses, level 2 or higher. The top of the tree always stands out the most like the stars in the Galaxy. Galaxy Chips 5
Christmas lights Christmas Lights Help your friends and you might find one! These lights are the finishing touch to make the tree complete, some starlings say that they're too bright though. Galaxy Chips 5


All the craftable weapons.



Crafted Weapons on Attack Menu

You can find your Crafting collections inside My Stuff Box which is located underneath the Shop, on the "Crafting" tab. There are 4 Weapons that can be crafted: the Missile Rain, Boulder Strike, Skull Nuke and Freeze Bomb. You can also buy these weapons with Galaxy Chips

Chips Cost
Missile Rain
Boulder Strike
Skull Nuke
Freeze Bomb
Galaxy Chips4 Galaxy Chips8 Galaxy Chips200 Galaxy Chips15


  • You need to obtain 4 items for each one to be able to build them.
  • The required items can only be obtained by attacking; they can't be published on the wishlist, except for the crystals to craft (the parts of ) the Skull Nuke.
  • These are meant to make attacking quite easier and quicker.
  • They are weapons of massive destruction for battle support and cover a wide range of attacks, that have a radius from 2 to 9 (else 4-5 Banks/Silos in a line).
  • They will appear inside your inventory once they appear, you'll have to build them for later use.
  • Since Update 0.66.6 Boulder Strike appearance has changed, now looks more like an Asteroid. Its price on chips has also been changed from 4 to Galaxy Chips8.

Crafting Items List

Missile Rain

"A powerful area attack that fills the sky with missiles". It is used while attacking and deals medium damage to more than one building or unit. If the enemy has a bunker filled with purely ground units and those units are anything short of a Colossus squad, one of these can pretty much neutralize the bunker garrison if timed properly. However, it may not destroy the building itself...

Icon damage.png
Damage: 5,000
Icon range.png
Blast Radius: 8
Items The Missile Rain.png Missile Rain Crafting  The Missile Rain.png
Name How To Get It? Description
Missile box.png
Missile Box Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it We use missile boxes for many things. Need a new toolbox?
Missile pack.png
Missile Pack Destroy a Star Base for a chance to get it Handle with caution. they have an explosive temper.
Engine Destroy Mines for a chance to find one Flying to target can be achieved with this useful component.
Red button.png
Red Button Destroy Warp Gates for a chance to get it. We need this to deploy the attack. It is an essential item.

Boulder Strike

"A huge rock that will shake the galaxy". A very powerful attack that can deal heavy damage to one target like Defense Bunkers or defensive towers like Mortar. It does have a slight AOE, about the size of the rock itself. Carefully positioned strikes can hit multiple targets, Targeting level 4-above Starbases are not recommended, as they survive it.

Icon damage.png
Damage: 26,000
Icon range.png
Blast Radius: 2
Items The Boulder Strike.png Boulder Strike Crafting  The Boulder Strike.png
Name How To Get It? Description
Catapult Destroy Defense Bunker for a chance to get these. Throws objects as far as possible, but must be aimed accurately.
Rope Destroy Training Camp for a chance to get these. Let's see how it works... Strech and release!
Boulder Destroy Cannon Blasts for a chance to get these. Smash enemy buildings with this huge rock.
Timber trunks.png
Timber Trunks Destroy Sniper Towers for a chance to get these. Essential for building a strong structure. Excellent raw material!

Skull Nuke

"Wipes out your enemies with a huge boom!" Buy it during a battle for a destruction boost!

The Skull Nuke is another addition to the Starlings Arsenal of special battle support weapons. It is now lumped in with the crafted weapons, but you also can buy it for Galaxy Chips200 Galaxy Chips.

Icon damage.png
Damage: 4,000,000
Icon range.png
Blast Radius: 9
Items Nuke.png Skull Nuke Crafting  Nuke.png
Name How To Get It? Description
Gift binding materials.png
Binding Materials Destroy Turrets, for a chance to get it! These can't be missing inside the toolbox of any respected Starlin mechanic!
Gift starling heater.png
Starling kettle Destroy Star Bases level 4 or higher, for a chance to get it. It looks a bit archaic, I know, but it works like magic!
Gift nuke fuel.png
Crystal Fluid Complete the Crystal fluid collection and get this as a reward. Starlings use this powerful and dangerous liquid in their most lethal weapons!
Gift nuke fission device.png
Fission Device Complete the Fission Device collection and get this as a reward. This device is essential in creating nuclear power! Bring here those particles!
Full Skull Nuke guide by Kibble
File:Skull Nuke Test Video
Skull Nuke Test Confidential Video

Freeze Bomb

"A special area attack that will slow the attack speed of your enemy's defences"

The freeze bomb does no damage, but instead slows the fire rate of turrets, and slows the fire rate and movement speed of units outside of bunkers. It must be used while the units are outside a bunker to affect them.

Icon damage.png
Damage: 0
Icon range.png
Blast Radius: 8
Icon speed.png
Slow Rate: -70%
30 seconds
Items Freeze bomb.png Freeze Bomb Crafting  Freeze bomb.png
Name How To Get It? Description
Missile box.png
Missile Box Destroy Compact Houses for a chance to get it We use missile boxes for many things. Need a new toolbox?
Engine Destroy Mines for a chance to find one Flying to target can be achieved with this useful component.
Red button.png
Red Button Destroy Warp Gates for a chance to get it. We need this to deploy the attack. It is an essential item.
Freeze particle.png
Frost Particle Destroy Freeze Turrets for a chance to get it. A glacial element used in crafting the Freeze Bomb. It is said to be the coolest thing in all the Universe.


  • The skull nuke is the most powerful (and expensive) craftable battle support weapon available, to date.
  • Like the Missile Rain and Boulder Strike, it's now craftable (after the game 0.59.7 update).
  • Be aware of where you deploy it, as it irradicates your friendly units, as well.
  • It's not advised to openly spend credits on nukes, as it's not really worth the price (200)
  • Crafting the Crystal Fluid and Fission Device can be easy enough if you attack planets with turrets often, and have planets that are all of the different types (i.e. green, blue, yellow, red, white, and purple)
  • Buying parts with chips is best, crystal fluid and Fission device cost 50 chips, buying parts costs 5 chips, so it is best-buying parts than the full one.
  • A lot of powerful items can be bought from the embassy building  !



  • Since Update 0.66.6, Boulder Strike appearance has changed, making it look more like an Asteroid. It's price has also been changed from 4 to 8.
 v  d  e    Related Categories & Pages
Star Base 5.pngLaboratory 3.pngObservatory 3.pngAcademy.png
Compact House 5.pngMine 4.pngBank 3.pngSilo 3.png
Resources CoinsMineralsGalaxy ChipsExperienceWarpoints
Blue Trap CollectionFly Trap CollectionStarlinator CollectionColossus CollectionZeppelin CollectionGreen BeretCristal Fluid CollectionFission Device Collection
Missile RainBoulder StrikeFreeze BombSkull Nuke
Other Battle
Support Items
Spying CapsuleSmasher Squad