Missile Launcher

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"We don't like birds and fairies; we kill anything that flies! And we look cool too, have you seen our massive missile equipment?"

— in-game description


  • The Missile Launcher is vulnerable to ground units as it can only attack only air units.
  • The Missile Launchers shoots 2 missiles at once.
  • It's missiles similar to that of a ColossusBazooka and the S-Trikes.
  • It has homing missiles, so it has a lock-on ability for falcons
  • For best results, it is more reliable to put this turret near a Mortar or Cannon Blast so it can be protected from infantry and tanks.
  • Using a Sniper Tower next to a missile launcher isn't one of the preferred positions.
  • You are only allowed to purchase two Missile Launchers per planet.
  • Some people are too afraid to send flying units because of this tower, making it to destroy first or use support and send some flying units.
  • it will not destroy a large squad of Falcons working alone but will seriously damage them, making them vulnerable to Lasers and Snipers
  • A high-level Zeppelin can destroy them with no difficulties, provided it has a close access without other buildings distracting the zeppelin. The zeppelin should always be placed on the bottom of the building preferably on the left side for quickest access.
  • A level 6 missile launcher can level down almost 20 levels 1 Falcon making it the most powerful turret against Falcons or Zeppelins
  • If your Missile Launcher has to protect building do not wait that it has a reach superior of your building because Aircraft have a bad reach and puts itself practically on the building thus your Missile Launcher can take advantage of it.
  • NOTE: this building gives the least XP out of any turret, hence meaning that it gives out the least amount of war points!


Training Time
Building time
Fire rate
Fire rate
Experience given if destroyed
XP if destroyed
1 5h Coins 153,500 15,000 190 1/Sec 375
(34.09 tiles)
440 40
2 1d Coins 635,500
Minerals 492,900
22,000 240 400
(36.36 tiles)
2,272 207
3 2d Coins 1,906,500
Minerals 697,500
30,000 300 420
(38.18 tiles)
5,935 553
4 4d Coins 3,394,500
Minerals 1,162,500
40,000 340 460
(41.82 tiles)
10,590 977
5 6d Coins 7,595,000
Minerals 1,860,000
47,000 420 520
(47.27 tiles)
22,445 2,121
6 8d Coins 9,300,000
Minerals 3,720,000
Sphere 1 Sphere
55,000 500 600
(54.55 tiles)
28,859 2,721


See Also

 v  d  e    Related Categories & Pages
Cannon Blast.pngSniper Tower.pngLaser Tower.pngMortar.pngMissile Launcher.pngFreeze turret.png
Friends Bunker.pngBunker 3.pngWalls Group.pngTraps Group.png