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Hi, my name is LeoE123. That is also my username in Galaxy Life and in AGAME, where I play Galaxy Life. I am really addicted to Galaxy Life. It is a really good game. It is my favorite game on the computer. Since June 2012 I have been playing Galaxy Life. Ever since, I never stopped playing. My favorite unit is Colossus. My favorite building is Defense Bunker. My favorite aircraft is Falcon and my favorite infantry are Bazookas. My coordinates are (1336,615), if you want to see my base. I live in the LeoE123 planet, in the Marshar system in a GIANT

G.L. Joes 2, my alliance and I'm the Captain!

GALAXY. I am a Captain for the alliance G.L. Joes 2 or Galaxy Life Joes 2. If you want to join just visit me. My coordinates are higher up in the description of me. So need help on Galaxy Life? Just ask me or anybody else on this wiki!

- LeoE123 =)

I'll put my updated base photo later!

Colossus is awesome. Kind of like me!