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To be honest, even though the game keeps flaunting the Starlinator as the ground unit to end all ground units, they're still laughably bad, especially considering their cost to effectiveness.

While ignoring the Colosuss to boot. Yea, sure, they have better dps, but since they're vulnerable to mortars and bunkers, you really can't use them for anything besides cleanup.

I'm also ignoring a another very important contendor: The S-Trike.

It's not even close. They surpass the Starlinators at level 4, and pre level 6, they even BUILD FASTER by a fair margin. At max level, an S-Trike still costs less than a Starlinator (around 60,000), not to mention the fact that they don't take effing boatloads of minerals to upgrade, unlike Starlinators and Colossi.

There's not that much incentive to extensively use infantry outside of using mass marines to clear mines and soften turrets.