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A few questions to ask - (1) I am level 150 with 3 members at war with a single player on level 75. I started the war (my first war) and I think I wont get battle points for being higher than our opponent. But what about my alliance members? do they get points?

(2) One of the rules in battle which concerns me is this: No Colony Shield or Level Protection rules apply in war battles.

The guy we are attacking is having his shield go up as if it were a (Standard/Normal) attack. Is this because I am a higher level? or because we are attacking a single player? both? or is it a bug?

(3) My alliance members have earned no battle points after destroying 3 of his bases,.. The war meter has not moved,... but we are recieving gold & minerals from the attacks. The meter is still at 0-0, guess whats going to happen?

Finally I just want to say that I did not know about this when I started the battle, I thought I could battle anyone (My mistake) but only to find this out when playing without warning that we are going to lose this war because 'this is a Galaxy Life Trap'

There should be a block to prevent higher levels starting wars with lower levels if this kind of thing is in favour of a single player. Its either a trap or another hole in the development of this game which looks to me from all the complaints that it is still... developing.

I would appreciate some answers please.

Thank you