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In this building, you can pay minerals in exchange for sweet loot!

— In-game description

The Refinery is a building that is unlocked at Star base level 3, which allows you to turn minerals into presents similar to the mystery cubes.

It has three options for creating gifts, each of which required consumption of a certain amount of minerals. Before the 7-4-2023 update, this would be a percentage of your maximum mineral storage. However, this system was changed to be a fixed amount. The flawed present takes 8 hours to produce, the imperfect present 18 hours, and the perfect present takes 48 hours. Only one present can be created at once. The rewards inside each cube can be found on the Mystery Cubes page.


To see detailed info on how to unlock each level, and the total amount of buildings per level visit Building Level Unlocks at Star Base's Page.

Building Time
Experience given
Experience given when destroyed
1 6h 62,000 6,400 165 17
2 18h 155,000 10,240 409 41
3 1d 12h 248,000 16,384 649 65
4 3d 372,000 26,384 969 97


Level Flawed Cube Imperfect Cube Perfect Cube
1 20,000 40,000 80,000
2 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
3 5,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000
4 30,000,000 60,000,000 120,000,000



  • The characters on the sides of the Refinery presents are written in the Starling alphabet. It just translates to A 1 for level 1 Refinery's flawed present, up to C 4 for level 4 Refinery's perfect present.