
From Galaxy Life Wiki
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Ic error outline 48px.svg Low
Ic error outline 48px.svg Medium
Ic error outline 48px.svg High
  1. Remove subjective information. Sustantives shouldn't be used on articles at all.
  2. Galleries' captions should be short and clear.
  3. Create a Changelog article, listing versions of both GL and GLR.
  4. Update the quests article.
  5. Add Sound Files and History sections to Units and Buildings' articles.
  6. Replace the "Expansions" sections' name with "Upgrade".
  7. Remove "Images" categories from articles.
  8. Add animations from units and buildings into the articles.
  9. Remove all translated sections.
  10. Player Level Progression article needs info from levels 300 - 830.
  11. The Premium Shop articles needs to be updated.
  1. Check spelling and grammar.
  2. Replace Tips sections into Information sections.
  1. Add the respective infoboxes to Units and Buildings.
  2. Fix templates such as the Icons one. Other templates used in a single page might be deleted as well.
  3. The Galaxy Life Pocket Adventures Wiki needs help too!

To view a more detailed version of this list, check out the announcement channel on the Wiki's Discord server.