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Participate in wars for great rewards! Trade them in here.

— In-game description

The Embassy is a building that uses Badges as a currency to trade in for special goods.

Items found in the Embassy range from unique items such as the Advanced Spy Capsule to the many cube variants, also including obstacle bulldozers and coin/mineral refills along with 2 unique turret powers for range and health.

The Embassy got added into Flash on 16/01/2023 as a teaser and officially gained it's functionality in the Embassy Update on 02/08/2023. It is also known as the "Alliance Building" in Galaxy Life Beta, however it never actually got added to the Dchoc/Ubisoft game. It also appeared in tons of official artworks for Galaxy Life.

It was usable in Pocket Adventures from 2012-2016 as the Social Building. Over there it used only one of the original sprites, although many other sprites were saved along with two beta sprites. The new Galaxy Life makes full use of these sprites.

On old Galaxy Life, this building was meant to be used to access the Alliance menu instead of Counselor Mobius, but was scrapped due to unknown reasons. Its purpose in Pocket Adventures is to connect to Facebook, like the Facebook page, and receive in-game news. One of the concepts was that you could buy battle support in the building menu, but this never made it into the game.


To see detailed info on how to unlock each level, and the total amount of buildings per level visit Building Level Unlocks at Star Base's Page.

Building Time
Experience given
Experience given when destroyed
1 15m 150,000 4,000 58 1
2 1h 432,000 4,000 174 1
3 3h 782,000
Minerals 670,000
8,000 174 1


Each upgrade of the Embassy gives a discount: level 2 gives a 5% discount and level 3 gives a 10% discount.

Item Name Price
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Coin refill 100.png
Coin Refill Badges 5,000 Badges 4,750 Badges 4,500
Mineral refill 100.png
Mineral Refill Badges 4,000 Badges 3,800 Badges 3,600
Item bulldozer.png
x1 Bulldozer Badges 50 Badges 48 Badges 45
Item bulldozer.png
x10 Bulldozer Badges 400 Badges 380 Badges 360
Item bulldozer.png
x50 Bulldozer Badges 1,800 Badges 1,710 Badges 1,620
Battle support
Mine trap 003 shop.png
Stun Trap Badges 30 Badges 29 Badges 27
Gift spy capsule advanced.png
x1 Advanced Spyling Capsule Badges 100 Badges 95 Badges 90
Gift spy capsule advanced.png
x10 Advanced Spyling Capsule Badges 900 Badges 855 Badges 810
Icon defense shield.png
Laser Aim Badges 550 Badges 523 Badges 495
Icon defense life.png
Rock Skin Badges 750 Badges 713 Badges 675
Mistery cube real chips.png
Chips Cube Badges 250 Badges 238 Badges 225
Mistery cube utility.png
Battle Support Cube Badges 500 Badges 475 Badges 450
Mistery cube starlinator.png
Starlinator Cube Badges 10 Badges 10 Badges 9
Mistery cube colossus.png
Colossus Cube Badges 20 Badges 19 Badges 18
Mistery cube zeppelin.png
Zeppelin Cube Badges 30 Badges 29 Badges 27
Mistery cube mayor.png
Green Beret Cube Badges 35 Badges 34 Badges 32
Mistery cube sa1.png
Missile Rain Cube Badges 40 Badges 38 Badges 36
Mistery cube sa2.png
Boulder Strike Cube Badges 90 Badges 86 Badges 81
Mistery cube sa4.png
Freeze Bomb Cube Badges 60 Badges 57 Badges 54



  • Upon release, the Embassy was buildable on colonies as well. Shortly afterwards, this was fixed, and all Embassies were removed.
  • In Pocket Adventures, the Social Building could be destroyed with battle support, but only showed an unrelated destroyed building sprite.

See also

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